To attract top students and faculty, colleges and universities have to offer state-of-the-art learning facilities while preserving the historic identity of their campuses and existing buildings. L+M renews campuses by restoring beloved landmarks, adapting buildings for different uses and designing new facilities. This expertise is necessary as urban campuses expand and institutions rethink the use of their buildings. We understand that institutions work with limited budgets and exacting schedules and will meet them. And we will be happy to work with facilities departments or take on the project management function ourselves.

Feasibility studies

A feasibility study is the essential first step for facility projects from both a business and design perspective. It outlines the scope, requirements, challenges and cost, and lets the institution make an informed go/no-go decision. Because of our experience with all types and ages of educational buildings, our review and recommendations are comprehensive. We know what to look for and, when a condition is found, what the implications are. And our cost effective estimate lets you plan ahead.

Historic preservation and restoration

Historic campus buildings, whether they’re designated landmarks or simply structures of quality, often require attention to continue to performat their best. Our goal, besides preserving and restoring them as representatives of the institution, is to assure that they continue to serve today and functionas integral parts of the institution’s identity and future.

Building envelope review and repair

Assuring a campus building’s continued use begins with its physical envelope. To make sure the facade is sound, we first conduct a visual inspection from the ground and then take a more meticulous look from scaffolding. We are equally expert in masonry and glass and metal facades and the problems that can arise from both.

Once we’ve finished the inspection, we decide on next steps and implement them to bring the envelope back as a seamless whole.

Interior renovations

As institutional buildings age, they need attention to stay up-to-date and fresh. Our experience renovating and upgrading academic building interiors includes the following:

  • Entrances and lobbies
  • Corridors and bathrooms
  • Classroom, laboratory and learning spaces
  • Athletic, recreational, and performance spaces
  • Dormitories
  • Handicap accessibility
  • Roof, window and door replacements

Adaptive reuse

As campuses expand, institutions often look at converting commercial and multi-family residential buildings for pedagogical, administrative, socialor dormitory use. Because of our experience in updating many kinds of buildings, we can quickly evaluate the adaptability of a structure for new uses and then skillfully design the spaces that meet the institution’s mandate.

Building conditions and recommendations report

An overall building assessment consists of a top-to-bottom review of every aspect of your building’s physical condition. We note what repairs and upgrades are needed, and then, keeping in mind your goals for the building, create a realistic schedule, prioritizing those conditions that need attention right away priorities and degree of difficulty, for repairs.

Structural review, repair and upgrade 

The review of an educational building’s structural system begins with a visual inspection, followed by a sound analysis, and then probes and bores into the building envelope. If there is damage, structural compromise or failure of any kind, we want to know the extent and the cause of it.

We then come up with a phased program of repairs or upgrades to restore the structure’s integrity without affecting its daily use. So that repairs last the life of the building, we recommend and design a thorough maintenance program.

Mechanical and plumbing review, repair and upgrades

Because of wear and tear over time, mechanical and plumbing systems will need to be replaced or upgraded. New technology regularly appears that offers significant cost savings; and unexpected challenges arise including the need for resiliency. L+M campus administrators and facility managers meet all of these demands whether it’s a boiler replacement, a new chiller, or repair of the HVAC or plumbing system.

Electrical review, repair and upgrades

We can assist in numerous ways to assure that your buildings are energy efficient. They range from energy audits, to updated security and fire safety systems, to overall upgrades and introduction of cogeneration systems. We can also design new lighting programs and augment your current electrical system to meet growing demands for power.

Fire safety

Saving lives is our first concern in designing fire alarm systems. We synchronize all of the elements – from the alarms themselves to door closures – to assure that when a fire happens, people are safe and the fire’s contained.


We design thorough systems that secure every part of the space for those who use it. Each system is discrete while still offering a visible, reassuring presence.

Energy audits

If an institution wants to reduce its energy footprint and costs, conducting an energy audit and introducing energy efficient fixes offers perfect cost-saving sense. In New York City, LL87 requires that every large building perform an energy audit, but L+M Energy takes that audit several steps further, in both completeness and the delivery of greater savings. The result is up to 40% reduction in energy costs and an up-to-date-energy profile for the building.

FISP (LL11) 

We regularly perform the NYC mandated examinations of our clients’ building façades in accordance with the Façade Inspection & Safety Program. The necessary reports are then submitted to the Department of Buildings. If repairs are required, we can make them in a timely manner in accordance with city regulations.

LL 87

L+M has staff devoted to our New York City clients’ efficient use of energy and that includes energy audits and the retro-commissioning of base building systems in accordance with New York City’s Local Laws 87. We submit an Energy Efficiency Report (EER) electronically to inform the city’s Office of Sustainability of the building’s energy status and measures being taken for better energy performance.